Friday, February 02, 2007

The End of an Era - Friday 2/2/2007

Buck's all grown up. This is as good as it gets.

I must say, the hat is less than impressive. It looks like a bowler.

His full height is a bit less than 6 inches.

Honestly, I imagine that the skin of drowning victims feels a lot like Buck's biceps do. [Shudder]

According to the packaging, he'll go back to his old size if left to his own devices. And I could start the process all over again!

But I think this is one of those life experiences that should remain precious and unique.

Who knows? It may eventually be the basis of another novel. There's been a lot more pathos involved in the past 72 hours than I have felt comfortable intimating.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Holy Cow! - Thursday 2/1/2007

Hour 53: Noon 2/1/2007
Is it just me? Or are my cowboy's pants disintegrating?
I didn't realize Tomasina sent me a stripper cowboy!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


For the beginning of The Moon Topples Great Big Awesome (Short) Fiction Contest.

In which this wonderful blogger takes the initiative and gets his very own contest rolling. Find out what the topic is and write! Check out full rules by clicking on the link above!

Let's support this guy's initiative! He's saying YES!

Hour 24: 7am 1/30/2007 - Looking a bit saucy, no?

Hour 29 - Noon 1/31/2007

Hmm. A bit larger.
The difference is more obvious in this side view.
And the water’s getting murky. I think I’ll have to change it before the day’s done.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cowboy Update

Hour 5 : He's getting puffy. I hope this is just a phase.

Hour 8.5 - He doesn't seem obviously bigger from above, but seems to be experiencing a height spurt.
I have to leave him at work overnight. Wonder what I'll find in the morning!

Gonna Grow Me a Cowboy - Tuesday 1/32/2007

What can I say? I work with a bunch of smart women.

But the reason we're all good at this job is because we are all pretty seriously verbally oriented.

So it's really no surprise that no one here can tell me what size jar I need to grow my cowboy. He started out about an inch tall and it says he'll get 600% bigger.

Okay, would that mean 600 inches tall? That can't be right.

Can it?

He's in a vase that's about 5 inches wide at it's widest about about 8 inches high. Hope it's not too constricting.

It's supposed to take him three days to grow to his full size. I put him in at 7am today.

I will keep you posted.

El Taco Llama and More - Monday 1/30/2007

Perhaps the best (formely) kept secret in North Hollywood: El Taco Llama on Magnolia, 1 block east of Cahuenga. It's a cafe attached to a car wash. Tammy discovered it a few weeks ago, and now we're hooked. Great carne asada taco. I'm not the only one who thinks so!

After we indulged in tacos at an outdoor table, we took a walk around the neighborhood.

I got a special kick out of seeing the way this recycling bin is decorated because Gia gave me Hand Book by Jean Benoit Levy for my birthday. Synchronicity.

Tammy and I both liked this palm tree a lot. It is large and robust and just about perfectly shaped.

Cool old panel van.

Home to Roost - Sunday 1/28/2007

We realized a few days ago that because we took down the Christmas tree early, we didn't put away all the other Christmas decorations. So on Sunday most of the rest went into boxes (found another thing since then!) and the chickens were returned to their place atop the toaster oven.
They are a sugar and creamer set. Yeah, I have a thing about tea things, and creamer sets.
If anyone knows anyone with one of those nice white porcelain Starbucks creamer sets that came out a couple of years ago that they aren't using, let me know. I'll buy it. I broke the lid to mine a few weeks ago, and it's the one that fits on my tray with the teapot and a cup and saucer.

Rainy Evening - Saturday 1/27/2007

Rainy and cold. Stayed home. Curled up in my favorite chair. Scribbled in my notebook.

Stuck my nose out the front door to breathe in the amazing clear cool air around 7pm.

Stuck my camera out the front door to get the shot of the day.