Thursday, March 01, 2007

Moony - Thursday 3/1/2007

I don't know why the moon looked so full last night when Hydra beckoned for me to come out into the backyard with the Nikon. It didn't look this full this morning, and when I check the lunar calendar I see that it's not full till tomorrow.

Anyway, the hillside was reddish and the moon was roundish, and I thought I'd share.

She Shoots, She Scores! - Thursday 3/1/2007

It's amazing what pleasant insistance will get you. I used to be such a wimp.

I went to AAA today to get my International Driver's Permit and to pick up whatever goodies I could score based on my Premiere membership. We have this top o' the line membership because we have a travel trailer, and at this level, AAA promises to tow our rig up to 200 miles at no additional charge.

Annnnyway, I go up to the main desk and tell the nice young feller that I want to get my permit, and could I pick up my free Europe books and maps there. "Oh, no, I'm sorry, there's a charge for our Europe materials. But they'll know more about that in Travel."

Okie dokie.

I meet Barbara in travel. She takes my picture (which makes me look jaundiced and horrid) for the permit. She asks if I would like another shot. I tell her that I could waste her whole afternoon and it wouldn't get much better. I honestly don't take a good photo. When I was young and fit and met a friend of Hydra's mother for the first time she exclaimed "Oh, she's so much prettier than her picture!" and then clapped her hand over her mouth. Yeeeys. Thank you.

Barbara's inputting my city of birth. She's never heard of it, which is odd because she hears of most places. I tell her it's about 35 miles from Fort Wayne, IN. "They have an airport there, and everything. Very high falutin'." She smiles.

"Acton," she says, "You do have a commute, don't you?"

"Yes, I've found my remote town here. We lived in Hollywood and Sherman Oaks before moving out there."

"Hollywood..." she murmers.

"That was twenty-five years ago," I say.

"Well, it was pretty good back then," she says. Not true. But a it's a nice idea.

"Well, I was pretty good back then," I say, "So it was easier."

She laughs out loud.

When I inquire about the maps and books, Barbara tells me that, yes, there are some select books available, but no maps.

"Oh," I say pleasantly, "Could you double check that? I just looked online and it said books and maps were included."

"Hmm," says Barbara. "Let me check on that."

Barbara comes back with a stack of books and maps. Barbara then offers me an AAA sucker from her secret stash.

"There's a rumor that they're sugar free," she tells me, "But I don't believe it. They're too good."

I tell her about the houseboat on the Seine in the heart of Paris that we are planning to stay in for 3 nights. She would like to know how that works out. She'd love to have something unique to offer her clients.

I will let her know. I love passing on good things.

Back when I was pretty good and living in Hollywood I wouldn't have been so persisant. I wouldn't have gotten the two Frommer's guides and the cool maps.

But I think I might have gotten the sucker for good behavior.

Who's Minding the Store? - Wednesday 2/28/2007

Apparently, these guys are.

There were two other law enforcement vehicles in the lot besides these when I got to Bob's. From various agencies.

Nobody messes with Bob's.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Kahn-gah-rue - Tuesday 2/27/2007

Apparently the only really important French word beginning with "k" is kangaroo. I feel that I have this word securely memorized and that I will surely find numerous occasions upon which to use it when I arrive in France later this year.

Maybe in conjuction with the French for "The mineral water is delicious?" Isn't that just the kind of banter our garcon will be hoping for when he finds the trois Americaines at his table

Knowing Hydra, I doubt I will need the phrase "My husband is serious," which is included on the CD.

My mother, however, may want to pay particular attention to learning the phrase "My daughter is intelligent

You know. Just in case she should need to defend me for any reason.

Gak! - Monday 2/26/2007


Who took the shaker top off of the oregano?


Thanks. So. Much.

Hydra Gets Into It - Sunday 2/25/2007

Rockin' out in the living room. Getting ready for Friday's hoot and our mid-March music/camping weekend

Me, I was lying on the floor in front of the fire, reading and writing. And taking a moment to think of my dad, who would have turned 77 today. He was a good man.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dueling Blogs! - Saturday 2/23/2007

So. Last night we went to Noël Alumit's publication party/reading at Skylight Books. What fun!

Hydra, our friend Aesop and I went to dinner first and shared the discussions of film and literature that we look forward to with him. Got to the bookstore about half an hour before the reading to find a standing room only crowd! We snagged the last few chairs they broke out of their secret stash. I couldn't be happier about the obstructed view, since it meant he had such a great turn out!

Please consider attending one of his other two readings in the L.A. area. You won't be disappointed. You won't feel nervous for the author--as is sometimes the case with readings--Noël's more than comfortable in front of an audience. Great reading of really engaging material.

You can catch him at Vroman's in Pasadena on Friday, March 2nd and at Book Soup on Saturday, March 3rd. These are terrific venues. Arrive early so you can get a seat, buy his book, and cruise some other great reads.

Noël warns us he's taking a photo for his blog. The light wasn't great and I had my little Kodak with me.

How much is that author in the window? Noël also talked about how both of his book covers feature naked butts. He wants to make sure his next book features no ass photos.

I've thought about it long and hard since then. I've decided that if they put the rear-view of a naked woman in a cowboy hat on the front of my first book, I won't complain. And when people ask if that's me on the cover--which
Noël assures us, they will--I'll just shrug and smile self-depricatingly and let my fans think what they may.

Lovely Morning - Saturday 2/24/2007

Lit a fire, made a pot of tea, grabbed my copy of Beloved to finish re-reading, opened the shades to let in the mountain view to the right of this shot. Blissful morning reading, making notes about Basura Canyon (tentative title of the book I'm working on), cuddling Dodger the Grey.

About as good as it gets.

Killer Commute Antidote - Friday 2/23/2007

Worked from home on Friday. Nice not to have to drive in and back. The weather turned out to be beautiful, but snow had been predicted. Just as well. It was a nice, calm day.

When Hydra came home, we looked at the Yellow Pages for a restaurant we hadn't been to. Went to a new Korean BBQ place in Lancaster. Very nice. I love all the litttle seasoned side dishes. Not so thrilled with my chicken...just so-so. But great atmosphere and yummy extras.

Which I would have taken a photo of for you, lined up on the table in peaceful white bowls, if I hadn't left my camera at home.