Yup, I’m on jury duty. Nope, I didn’t remember to call in to see if I had to report until Tuesday morning…after I’d driven 45 miles to work. Sigh. So I had to drive all the way back, plus the courthouse is another 20 miles north of my house. Thank goodness I could talk on the phone with my mom the whole way.
I talked to the guards behind the information desk a little during lunch. This building is 3 years old, but it looks brand spanking new. Very nice. But they have to sit in this big glassy lobby and they said it’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Wasn’t built by anyone who knew the extremes of the high desert. It gets as hot as the 120s in the summer and as low as the 20s in the winter.
What's really weird about this court house is it's location in the middle of Joshua tree spiked desert. And the main entrance doesn't face the road! I suppose, given development rates out here, in twenty more years this will make some kind of sense. Right now it just seems like they're making it pretty hard for anyone without a car to get out here and support a family member.
Welcome to L.A. County, which boasts the largest county court system in the United States.
Hey, where's the picture? Can we get one of the courthouse?
Ooops! The pix didn't get through the first time!
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