Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Who Picked Your Fruit? - Monday 5/1/2006

A real live person. Possibly an illegal immigrant. A human being who deserves to be treated decently on the job, which means simple things like being provided with water to drink, a place to take a break out of the sun, a reasonable workday length and toilet facilities.

It seems like documenting immigrant farm workers would make them less vulnerable to unscrupulous employers. We should be watching the employers and demanding that they treat workers in the way any of us would want our kids to be treated if they were hired.

The situation is what it is because we’ve allowed it to continue. I think it’s a good thing that we’re talking about finding solutions.

I have to say, though, that my Day Without an Immigrant involved significantly less traffic. An unitentional side effect.

1 comment:

the last noel said...

These colors are just amazing.