Monday, June 12, 2006

Snails. Why'd it have to be snails? - Sunday 6/11/2006

EEEEEEEEK. I spent about an hour picking snails off the wall, from behind the wall, from under the damp ground cover. More than 3 liters of snails (I collected them in old bottles).

Even though I used disposable gloves, just washing wasn’t good enough. I had to have a shower.

These empty shells I found are the invertibrate equivalent of mounted deer heads.

I read somewhere recently that the Brown Garden Snail was introduced to California in the mid-1800s as a possible food source for San Franciscans. So I guess we could just wait for them to reproduce again and throw a big ol' escargot fest.

Not bloody likely.

1 comment:

Cap'n said...


They are much better looking than deer heads.