Friday, November 30, 2007

Early Evening at the Farmer's Market - Wednesday 11/28/2007

My writing group is meeting in a different part of town now, which means the city has kind of opened up to me again! Instead of busying myself in my work neighborhood, I can do many things with the hours between 3:30 and 7:00 pm.

Tonight's choice: The Farmer's Market at Third & Fairfax. The one that's been here since 1934. I love these unusual shopping carts.

I noticed some fancy new plastic chairs and tables. These are not those. These are the old style ones. There's something lovable about them.

I like this mural. I haven't ever eaten here, but perhaps I will.

There are only two or three produce vendors left at the Farmer's Market. Now it's mostly eateries. But I bought the fixings for a simple salad (red lettuce, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, and avocado) to share with the writing group, and I stopped by Mr. Marcel for a baguette.

On my way out, through The Grove, I enjoyed the Christmas lights. That's a spouting fountain on the right of the shot.


Liz Dwyer said...

I was just over there tonight and it was "snowing"! I'm glad that's the extent of the snow I'll be experiencing this winter.

Sundry said...


Ooh, yeah! I want to get Hydra over there to see that incredible snow. It really is lovely there.