Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good Friday - Friday 3/21/2008

I worked a half day from home today, and then I went to sit out in the back yard.

It just doesn't pay to drive 45 minutes to work and 45 back on a day the boss is going to let people go early.

Also doesn't pay for me to start at my usual 6:30 and be let off at 1:00, which is about the halfway point for everyone else, but by which time I've put in 6 1/2 hours. (That pesky math rears its ugly head again.)

I swear, the last time I looked at this tree it was still bare!

Ice plant and gazanias under that tree. The first time someone told me the name of the orange flowers, I thought she was pulling my leg. Right, I'll repeat that!

As I sat there just out of the direct sunlight, with Dodger in his travel cage on the table next to me, reading Tomasina's truly wonderful novel, I began to hear...something. Was that dry leaves skittering across the sidewalk between the house and garage?

No. That was running water! Running water under the house, and nothing was even using water inside. Phooey.

I turned off the main water supply to the house and it eventually stopped. Called a plumber, who is generally local but also happened to be nearby. I was thinking that this is a holiday and it's an emergency, and it could cost between $200-300, especially if he had to go under our house.

Boy, did this go smoothly. The plumber came over right after Hydra came home and fixed it pretty quickly and only charged $100.

I love Acton.


fingerstothebone said...

Which name won't you repeat, ice plant or gazanias, and what's wrong with it? (Sorry, I just see 2 plants and you named 2 names, so now I'm confused.)

Sundry said...

The orange flowers are the gazanias, and it just sounded funny to me the first time, like she might be pulling my leg. Gazany-ahs? :)