This is heading south on Vine.
Who knew it would be so easy to find?
Especially in Hollywood.
After going to the gym, I wandered around a little. You can't really see it, but there is water falling like rain from the facade to the right.
It smells very fresh and clean.
One of the really lovely aspects of our writing group meetings is that we have dinner together. For birthdays, we often order in Thai or Indian food. But usually it's made up of food we all contribute.
I haven't been contributing much for the past couple of weeks. Tonight we had macaroni & cheese made by Braveheart, salad brought by Tomasina and my lowfat ground turkey & vegetable soup and fresh cherries.
We had a great meeting. Anyway, it helped me a lot. I mean a lot. We talked, they read, they gave me good advice.
Wow. Lucky, lucky me.
My kids always manage to somehow get themselves wet in that water every time we're over there. Every single time!
I think that's a very healthy sign!
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