It's common knowledge around our office that Mommalisa is well-versed in mixology. She's also a good cook. So of course, I asked her advice in choosing rum to make rum balls with. I may as well get something that will be useable in a mixed drink because there will be leftovers.
Well! Advice was not enough! She brought in three rums for a taste testing. We did it in the front office. The one on the left is a sipping rum...nice, but probaby too nice to pour into a bowl full of flour and sugar.
Peachy, our boss, came into the office as I was testing about a teaspoonful of the Captain Morgan's. "I see the stress is taking it's toll," she laughed.
She went past into the next room to get a reference book. "Thanks for not firing us!" I called after her. I turned to Mommalisa, "If she comes back with a camera, we'll know she's been looking for an opportunity to downsize."
Later, I was talking to Peachy and mixed around a couple of simple consonents. "I'm perfectly able to drink before noom," I assured her.
I'm going to remind myself of days like this one when I am frustrated with this job.
Sounds like a really peachy place to work! k
Heh, yeah. Exoept for the stress, which is slowly unraveling us all.
And now for the recipe:
1. Assemble ingrediants.
2. Pour 8 oz. glass of rum
(sip glass)
3. Two boxes (12 oz ea.) vanilla wafers, crushed, place in bowl and (sip glass)
4. Two cups pecans or walnuts
chop and put in bowl (sip glass)
5. Add ½ cup unsweetened cocoa
(slip gas)
6. Next put 2 cups confectioner’s sugar in bowl (shlip glash)
7. Pour 2/3 cup dark rum into bowl
(hic! Shlip laugh)
8. Add two cupsh light or dark corn shyrup, glash another pour of eight ozzies of rum don’t shlip on the glash hahaha
9. Add eight oz. container diced dried citrus fruits (optional)
ooopssshh! Take container out of bowl and open it, then add
dieshed citrush froooze. Slippidy-dip from glash. How did my nose
get in the way?
10. Roll around in shredded coconut or jimmies for coating. Oh …? No! roll the rum balls around in the shredded coconut. Find mouth with glash and shlip.
11. The rummy-dum-dum balls are now ready to each…each? Oh…eat!
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