Thursday, March 29, 2007

Big Boy Update - Wednesday 3/28/2007

My laptop bag rides shotgun.
D came back to work, but he's not talking. He came in and Grumps asked him where he'd been.
"I was playing. Playing, man."
"I heard you were called up."
"I was on vacation. You've heard of that, right?"
A couple of days later, Grumps told me that E, the waitress, had ticked him off so he's not coming back. She complained about where he sits because she doesn't want to walk so far with hot water refills for his tea.
"I don't need that. I can get that at home."
So he hasn't been in since Monday. D said he should have told Grumps that E has Wednesdays off.

I joked that if Grumps does come in, we'll have to tell him that E was all upset, practically crying, wondering where he was and if he was okay.

D laughed.

Nobody would buy that story for a minute!

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