Sunday, June 17, 2007

Famous Dave to the Rescue - Sunday 6/3/2007

Needless to say, I felt a _lot_ better on Sunday. Well enough, in fact, to venture into Palmdale with Hydra to run a few errands and get some downhome American food.

It doesn't get much downhomer (well, anyway for a chain restaurant) than Famous Dave's Barbeque. We ordered a slab and split it and still had another serving to take home with us.

You get to slather it in a selection of 6 sauces that are on the table all the time. And there's also a roll of paper towels on the table. If that's not good old American excess, I don't know what is.

Okay, a Hummer's worse than a slab of ribs. I do know that.

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