Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Is it fuzzy in here, or is it just me? - Monday 6/18/2007

Remember that fall I took in Paris? Did I mention that I went to the doctor last week and she showed me an x-ray of my spine? There's a little bone in there that was knocked a little bit cock-eyed.

Oddly--and happily, I suppose--it hasn't caused me a lot of pain. And it's not a shooting pain when it is there. But last night I was pretty much clenching my teeth the whole drive home, so I thought it was time to kick up to the prescription ibuprofen.

This is the point at which Sundry begins to seriously consider alternate medicines. Just got a recommendation for an acupunturist. If I can't see the needles, maybe I'll be able to deal with it.

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