Sunday, June 24, 2007

Save the Peaches, Save the World - Friday 6/22/2007

Thus begins the hero's journey. The limes are just along for the ride.

First I made a brandied peach compote from a recipe I found online. It's pretty good. I'll serve it, as suggested, next to pork chops.

I had intended to try honest to goodness water-bath canning, but I couldn't get all the tools that Indybee suggested when I called her on my way to pick up equipment last night. I realized that this canning thing needs to be approached with a little more forethought and preparation than I expected.

I caved and bought the freezer jam pectin I found on the shelf next to where the small canning jars and other supplies were supposed to be located. It's not respectable, but it's easy and you don't have to boil the jars or even cook the fruit. It tastes soooo fresh! I had some on my Trader Joe's French Village Cream Line yogurt (yes, it's good enough to shamelessly plug). Aaah.

Also froze 6 cups of chopped peaches. They are camera shy and hid in the fridge during the shoot. And I made a sauce by stirring a couple of tablespoons of Trader Joe's Ginger Sauce (basically sugared ginger ground into a paste about the consistency of spun honey) with a few cups of fresh peaches. This is fabulous. I'll do this again with some of the frozen peaches.

All in all, I came away with about 15 cups of cut up peaches and that was from only about half the harvest. There is more peach freezing to do on Sunday. I'll try the canning when I have all the stuff assembled.

I took a jar of the gingered peaches to some friends we met for happy hour at Don Cuco's.

Even a hero needs a margarita sometimes.

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