Bought three tomato plants today. I think this is a Sweet 100 cherry tomato. I also brought home an Early Girl and a Celebrity bush-style, one of which will be planted in the cool upside-down hanging planter we bought...when we figure out where to hang it so that it's four feet off the ground.
I'd heard that you are supposed to plant tomato plants beneath the surface, but the instructions said 80% under the surface! Okay, that's what I did. We'll see!
Also started sunflowers and mixed herbs in these nifty little things. They were flat pellets a couple of minutes ago. Now they'll be in a little greenhouse till they're happily sprout-laden.
Remember the palm fruit and the light a while back? The fruit has opened up!
[For comparison, click here!]
An unidentified egg that Hydra found on the slope a few days ago.
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