Saturday, November 19, 2005

What are they listening to?


Photo taken Friday, November 18th.

I found out a couple of months ago that I could deposit my checks in the ATM beneath the Disney Channel building. Disney’s credit union and mine have an agreement. I usually go in through the artrium, but I couldn’t find parking in the 10-minute zone outside of it, so I went round the corner.

If you walk straight in from the side of the building I was on, you are questioned by security because you have access to the whole office building. It looked like I could go around the back, so I decided to try that. A few feet in, I came upon these big dishes. There are about 6 of varying sizes back there.

It felt kind of creepy. These are listening devices, not broadcasting devices, I think. They remind me of the Very Large Array that’s listening for signs of intelligent life in outer space. Probably all very above board, but…

Anyway, I was nervous as I whipped my camera out of my bag and stood there and framed this shot. Wondered if security would come around the corner and sandbag me.

But no. I just went on in, did my banking, and left quietly. Whew.

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