Welcome to Panera, Palmdale. I came here for the reasonable soup and salad lunch, and their computer-friendliness, and this is where I got the day's writing done.
I spent too much time goofing around at home in the morning and I had to get on my Three Categories of Accomplishments for my 3rd layoff day. (Remember, we're laid off one day a week for the time being.)
House Accomplishment: gathered up two big bags of clothes, shoes, bags and toys and a box of housewares and delivered them to Goodwill; brought firewood in; did 2 loads of laundry.
Exercise: 20 minutes Pilates DVD. It was going to be 30 minutes, but I began to hurt inside near where my gallbladder used to be. The doctor said I wouldn't tear anything apart but I would know when to stop and that moment hit around 20 minutes of abdominal work. This DVD is a lot harder now than it was pre-surgery.
Writing: worked for about an hour and 15 minutes on the novel.

It was beautiful when I arrived at my home-not-away-from-home. I stood on the park bench in the back yard to take this picture.