Larry, meet the world.
I saw this dog hanging out at Priscilla's a few weeks ago, and thought about asking his owner if I could take his picture, but then chickened out.
Not today, though! He and his owner were sitting on the bench next to my car. She'd spilled ice cubes onto the sidewalk for him and he was busily lapping them up. I told her my husband grew up with an English Bulldog and he'd love to see photos of this fine fellow.
She was delighted!
It has amazed me lately how many people are willing to let me take photos of them, their pets, their kids. It's worth asking. I had a nice chat with this woman and we exchanged names. She lives in the neighborhood and is down there again.
Larry likes skateboards. He likes them so much he's learning to ride one himself!
Hey, where'd they go?
Another discovery I've made from taking a photo everyday: If you have a nice camera and are willing to squat in public places people will assume you are legitimate. (You don't even need to back it up with a clipboard, but I'll bet you could get into some amazing places wielding both!)
As I was squatting on the sidewalk, a friend of Larry's owner's came up and was a bit flustered.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he said after having walked up and hugged her. "Are you taking photos?"
"Yes, but it's okay."
"I mean, are you having like a photo shoot?"
Hee hee!
No. But I could be!