Wow. It's been a long time since I posted. If I weren't having so much fun, I'd be in some kind of blog withdrawal. I keep thinking of things I'd like to write about, and no connection. But now Mom and I are in Paris for a week in an apartment near a cybercafe with the all-important English style keyboards.
Hydra headed home on the 10th. Mom and I stayed one more night on the Bateau Johanna, and then headed for Champagne country in our cute little rental car...a Renaul Kangoo. We stumbled into a truly marvelous experience at the B&B at #1 Rue des Vaches in Reuilly-Sevigny. The proprietors couldn't have been more wonderful. If you are thinking about a trip to France we'd highly recommend this place and the Champagne country, and I would encourage you to check out the link to the apartments on this B&B page because Meridith Sykes has an amazing way with interior design and the apartments will undoubtedly be as well appointed as the B&B rooms were. Can't wait to show you more.