That's what they call you on NaNoWriMo when you write 50,000 words in 30 days. And that's what you feel like too!
What an amazing thing! I actually have a first draft, very nearly complete, and it actually has a plot. My writer friends will rejoice for me. I am not the go-to gal for plot. I would sit and describe an early morning hike or a good looking man for six pages if I could get away with it.
But I powered through this, and I have an actual series of events, and characters I love enough to want to go back and straighten things out for. There are some blind canyons, some conflicting character elements that will need work. It's a true mess, but it tells a story. And the story will support what I really want to say about these people.
I am astonished, empowered, so so grateful to the people who put together NaNoWriMo, and to all of you who cheered me along this path. I respond very well to positive feedback.
[Dancing a silly silly victory dance around the room, out into the yard, and back again!]
And on the 25th day, the tea turned to hot chocolate. And there was whipped cream. And it was good.