Saturday, November 25, 2006

Feeling Like a Winner - Saturday 11/25/2006

That's what they call you on NaNoWriMo when you write 50,000 words in 30 days. And that's what you feel like too!

What an amazing thing! I actually have a first draft, very nearly complete, and it actually has a plot. My writer friends will rejoice for me. I am not the go-to gal for plot. I would sit and describe an early morning hike or a good looking man for six pages if I could get away with it.

But I powered through this, and I have an actual series of events, and characters I love enough to want to go back and straighten things out for. There are some blind canyons, some conflicting character elements that will need work. It's a true mess, but it tells a story. And the story will support what I really want to say about these people.

I am astonished, empowered, so so grateful to the people who put together NaNoWriMo, and to all of you who cheered me along this path. I respond very well to positive feedback.

[Dancing a silly silly victory dance around the room, out into the yard, and back again!]

And on the 25th day, the tea turned to hot chocolate. And there was whipped cream. And it was good.


Anonymous said...

Danced out to the yard even? You must be thrilled!

Rest assured that even your non-writer friends will rejoice for you.

Congratulations on your victory!


P.S. I would certainly soak up six-pages worth of description for a dandy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And yeah, lets see those 6 pages on a good looking man! Do I get to pick someone?


Anonymous said...

fireworks! sparkly things! blue ribbons fluttering and crowds cheering! Hear us? Just wish we had a picture of your victory dance!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, oh, here we go, six more pages on Ralph Fiennes.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Congratulations! You have every right to be proud and happy.

I have problems with plot, too, although the rest is easy. I need to check out NaNoWriMo. Thanks for the tip!

Hot chocolate with whipped cream. Priceless.