I used to be fairly shy about takingmy camera out. Yesterday I had to go to the doctor.
Felt like I was going to faint a couple of times and—long story short—my blood pressure was low. Great! This means the exercise and weight loss finally paid off. I’m going off my high blood pressure prescription.
But the important part… I’m lying there feeling miserable, waiting, waiting. Then, hey, I haven’t taken a photo today. Grabbed my camera out of my purse and viola! Actually took about 4 shots around the exam
room. It was a little excruciating because my camera, in spite of fresh batteries, seems to be grinding to a halt. It took what felt like forever to recharge for the next photo.
If my doc had come in, what would I have said? Well, there’s this site called 43things, and my blog and— Really, I’ve never wanted to become intimate with the workings of the pysch ward.
Meanwhile, I am very much relieved that this episode was not stress related. I've been working hard on a rewrite of my novel and I'd be truly saddened if I found that I am not physically or emotionally strong enough to work all day and write for a few
hours at night.
I keep changing the dates on these posts so that they reflect the day that I took the photo rather than the day I posted. I'm going to stop doing that. It'll look like I skipped a day, but no.
Also, I need to figure out how to better manipulate pictures here. Maybe there's a better template for photos?