Oh, sure. Everyone's pondered the question, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"
But how much time have you given to the lesser koans? What is your answer to, "Does a dog have a Buddha nature, or not?" or "What is Buddha?" (Dongshan Shouchu answered, "Three pounds of flax," but it was later rumored than he'd gotten into some bad incense.)
"If a parrot misbehaves in the kitchen and no one is there to scold him, is it really any fun?"
You may spend time with this question on your own, Little Grasshopper. Or you may take my word for it, for I have witnessed the Truth for myself.
There is little joy to be derived from scattering hummingbird sugar across the counter, ravaging an apple in the fruit bowl, or opening the Forbidden Cupboard door if these actions fail to illicit a response from the Universe. One might just as well preen angelically.
And yes, Little Grasshopper, it is evident that parrots do have a Buddha nature.