Friday, December 09, 2005

Moving again


Physically and mentally. D gets off at 2:30 and I worked at home this afternoon, so we were able to go out for a hike in daylight. I ran some ideas about the novel past him, and we kept hammering at the idea of finding a better reason for my central character to stay in Indiana for the summer. We came up with something that feels much better than any of my previous solutions to this question. AND it seems to mean that I have to throw away a whole lot less of what I’ve already done than I thought.

I came back inside and wrote out my ideas longhand and they expanded and I could see how to weave them into existing scenes. I’ll need to do some more research, but I think I’ve found a very good source or two.

Photo: My novel isn’t really about these people; it’s about the land they farmed. But I hope it honors their determination and hard work. This is my great-grandfather Matthew, his wife Sarah and my great-aunts and uncles. Matthew came from Germany in the late 1800s. We think Sarah was pregnant with my grandpa David when this was taken, which would make it something like 1897. (See the mule in the background on the left? I love that.)


the last noel said...

You know, it goes like this, doesn't it? Write, rehash, rehash, rewrite, write, rehash.

You go, you Writing Goddess.

Sundry said...

Intellectually, yes, I know that writing presents these peaks and troughs. Emotionally, though, not writing is like having a bad head cold: hard to imagine being healthy and breathing deeply again.

Thanks for the comment, and for your delightful blog!