Thursday, March 09, 2006

Giganimous Beverage Thursday 3/9/2006

M, the waitress at Papoo’s slipped me a large Diet Pepsi this morning in place of the small one I ordered and paid for. She does this almost every time I go there.

I bought it at 8:00 a.m. It’s now 2:42 and I just slurped the last watery dregs and boosted the cup into the waste paper basket behind my desk. Whoo hoo.

Seriously, this photo doesn’t do justice to the massive proportions of this refreshing beverage.

I was a little afraid of it at first, but I conquered!

(Excuse the punchy end-of-the-crushing-workday rambling, please.)

1 comment:

the last noel said...

Um, I'm not psychic, but I predict you'll be making plenty trips to the restroom.