Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Racial Segregation Ended in the U.S. Military in 1948


...when Harry S. Truman issued an executive order to this effect.

I learned this because I was trying to find a source for the following quote:

“One of the surest ways to break down the morale of the Army and to destroy it’s efficiency” [is to integrate the races.]. Which shows up in a few places on the Internet and is attributed to a presumably former New York Times editor.

It usually shows up in comparison with this quote, regarding allowing gay servicement to serve openly: “I cannot think of a better way to destroy fighting spirit and gut U.S. combat effectiveness,” which is attributed to David Hackworth.

Verrry interesting.

I’m not sure if either of these attributions is correct, because there’s so little info on them, but they were compiled by David Ari Bianco in his “Echoes of Prejudice.”

Photo from the Internet: Vietnam War Memorial

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