Saturday, December 03, 2005

Friday Evening at Anthropologie 12/2/2005

Four of my writer friends and I went out to celebrate E's birthday last night. It was a very fun evening. I love hanging out with these intelligent, funny, beautiful women.

We had dinner at a French restaurant at the Farmer's Market--mmm!--then went to see "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" at The Grove.

Afterward, we enjoyed the lights and bustle of the shopping area and browsed a bit at Anthropologie. Everything but the sale plates and the stuffed toys was way too expensive for me, but the colors in the displays... well, I have those for free.

I felt a little like a spy taking these!

The only thing I regret about the evening is that I didn't ask E what she thought about the movie before she asked me. I wish I had listened to her excitement about it before admitting to not getting into it. (I haven't seen or read any of the Harry Potters.) I remind myself of the the line from the Paul Simon song that goes "There's no tenderness beneath your honesty." I really could have been honest later. I think we know each other well enough that she wouldn't have felt I let her go on and then ambushed her with a different opinion.

The special effects were great. I liked Hermoine a lot. And Alan Rickman, and Ralph Fiennes, in spite of what they did to his beautious profile.

I felt bad for the dragons who were probably just going about their business when some one captured them and chained them up and set these little wizards upon them. Big dumb animal lover, me.

The bargain bin at Anthropologie:
still nothing I can afford.

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