Monday, January 09, 2006

Waiting - Saturday 1/7/2006

The frog is there because a frog looking out your front door is supposed to welcome prosperity. We haven’t won the lottery, but things are moving along pretty fluidly, and that feels like prosperity after having struggled for a long time.

The dog. The dog is a door stop. I bought it from one of the catalogues that came to our house after my mother-in-law passed away and we had her mail directed to our house.

It’s a replica of a type of cast iron door stop that was popular as far back as the 20s or 30s I suppose. My grandfather made these in a foundry in Indiana. My grandma had one at her house until sometimes in the 80s when it was stolen.

It took me a couple of catalogues to finally give myself permission to spend $40 on a dog door stop, but I am SO glad I did. It’s not the one we had, but I love the way it lets me see my Grandma B’s kitchen.

I do have one of the pony doorstops that my Grandpa B made. It holds open the door to my writing studio.

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