A view of the usually dry creekbed that runs through the campground we stayed at Thursday through Sunday.

Mom and I left Hyrdra at the campground, and drove over to Ventura. Had lunch in a Thai restaurant, window shopped, and saw this old cookie jar. This one's for TorontoMeridith! I can't believe that this worked, through the window!

We walked down to the beach... Had to cross these railroad tracks. Later, an Amtrack train went by, carrying people who were probably on their way to Santa Barbara for the weekend.

There were dozens of gulls and other birds on a big tide pool behind us as we sat on some driftwood. A few of them started diving into the waves and we figured there must be fish there. Pretty soon, all of them decided to have a look at what was for high tea. I couldn't really see antying through my LED viewfinder, just pointed in the general direction and shot!

My footprint and some random dog's footprint. I think I would like this dog.

"Lonley tern. I'm just a lonely tern..." You know the song.

Okay, face it. If you were a mermaid, you would wear this to the spring formal. And you would be happy about it.

Try as I might, I can't see the foot print as a concave thing; it just looks like it's sticking OUT of the sand!
I will be expecting my Curious George cookie jar in the mail any day now. Monkeys and Cookies? Heaven!
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