She has baby blue Crocs of her own, but I loaned her one of my Mary Jane style pairs for our day in the Big City.
Hey, I have a pair just like that!

We went to the Getty first. It was a gorgeous day. We could see the ocean so clearly that it was hard to believe that sometimes you can't. The architecture is so amazing. You really feel that this place was designed with you in mind, to please and entertain you. Every time you take three steps, the whole perspective changes.

We spent most of our time in the Where We Live exhibition from the Berman Collection. It was so exciting and inspiring. Made me feel like photography is really accessible to me. I heard other people expressing similar sentiments.
I think this statue is new. Is it fair to put Big Booty Gal right next to Miss Perfection? I ask you.

After the Getty we went to The Grove and the Farmer's Market for dinner at Monsieur Marcel. Split a salmon salad and a cheese/pate plate. Mmm.
Saw this woman wandering around the grove. Love the costume and the colors.

The next best thing to buying expensive ($14.50 each!) salad plates that you covet covet covet is to photograph them. I win! I would love a guilt free shopping spree at Anthropologie!

Hey, where do you get your crocs?
Well...I bought all of mine in a poster shop in Ventura called Wild Planet.
But I saw them being sold from a cart at The Grove, and rumor has it that they are often sold in Hallmark stores, of all places. I think my friend who turned me on to them got 'em at the Rose Bowl flea market.
They're also available online at, but the sizes are a little odd--they run a little wide and a little short--so you probably want to try on a pair.
They look very comfortable. I think I have seen those at the Grove. They are the kind of shoes that would do me no good in Chicago at this time of year.
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