Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Contribution! - Sunday 3/26/2007

My friend FingerstotheBone sent me this photo some time ago, but I think since I just took a photo of the e-mail it counts as today's picture. I received her cute Year of the Pig New Year's card in the mail yesterday and it jogged my cramped memory! (Thanks!!)

Okay, the whole concept of cat toothpaste is funny. Not so much that kitty might need her teeth cleaned, but that some poor soul has to find a way to actually perform such an unnatural act!

Does it come with kitty soft restraints, I wonder? A clever hammock-cum-four-legged- straightjacket?

I mean, it's hard enough to trim Dodger's toenails and he only has two feet and a fully opposible head.

So...any stories from the trenches on this one? Did you actually brush your cat's teeth? Can the patterns in the scratches on your arms be read like tea leaves?


fingerstothebone said...

Actually, my kitty just sits there and patiently lets me brush one side then the other. She's had to put up with this since she was 6 weeks old, so she thinks it's just part of Better Living Through Tooth Brushing.

The funny part about this picture is that the toothpaste is a whitening formula! So that when kitty bares her fangs, they'll glint in the light?

The Moon Topples said...

I have never attempted to brush the teeth of my cats. In return, they have never attempted to brush mine. We eye each other warily, and retreat from the bathroom.

Sundry said...

LOL! Thanks for the laugh, MT!