Tuesday, May 29, 2007

D-Day Beaches, Part 1 - Saturday 5/5/2007

Just an amazingly character-laden wall in the port city of Coursuelles-sur-Mer, where Hydra and I may have been ruined forever for mussels served in any other way. Oh my gosh.

We went to a little restaurant and for 7 Euros each feasted on a huge bowl of the smallest, most tender mussels either of us have ever seen in our lives. In a bacon cream sauce, no less. With fabulous bread to soak up the sauce, and a big bowl of frites (French fries) on the side. Wow.

A man looking out over Gold Beach, somewhere south of Coursuelles-sur-Mer, where we stopped to look at the "temporary" landing platforms off the coast. That's a bunker he's standing next to. English troops landed here on June 6, 1944.


Anonymous said...

I am terribly jealous.

And you're just getting started!

fingerstothebone said...

Welcome back!

I've only seen the Concorde once, and it was in the air! I was pretty excited. This was a little bit after that crash, and I think we were in Ireland. They were running some tests and this thing was just going around and around.
