No humans, either.
Dang it! I use this bowl almost every day to heat up our pampered birds' dinner.
I blame Barnes & Noble Cafe and their fine, fine handling of Starbuck's coffees, which led me to imagine that the bittersweet cup from which I drank was merely a taste treat and not an invitation to Lost Weekendesque jitters.
This is what the B&N Cafe looks like, by the way, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on a Monday in January. Quiet. Except for the distant sound of scratching brought on by the dry winter air.
Is this Espresso Number 1, Espresso Number 2, or Espresso Number 3?
I defy even the lovely Carol Merrill to tell the difference after three of these babies.
The Photo Idea Index resting on the table here turned out to be a really cool browse. When the strike's over maybe I'll come back and purchase it.
Cool Thing
Thanks to Braveheart for forwarding this link to a funny, funny blog entry over at List of the Day.
Did you throw the bowl at Dana?
LOL... no. It was on the counter when I pulled out another dish and the other dish fell on top of it. So it was actually a twofer. But the other dish was not as photogenic, so it died an anonymous death.
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