Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Freeway is Safe from Vampires - Monday 8/7/2006

So. Yesterday on my drive home I ran out of gas. This does not happen to me. My gas gauge read 1/4 of a tank and I was planning to get gasoline just two exits up the 14 at the place next to the grocery store.

But the car felt like it was failing, so I eased it over to the side of the freeway and way off the side. Phooey.

Called AAA, but I thought it was probably something other than being out of gas, because I don’t run out of gas. Long story short, Hydra (D’s new online nickname. Don’t ask, just smile), came and sat with me while I waited an hour for the AAA guy to show up with a can of gas. We took the car to the dealer for service…where they will charge us $82 just for diagnosing the problem if the repair isn’t under warrenty. And they wonder why I’m not there for my regular service. Grrr.

Anyway! Hydra and I were sitting beside the road with the passenger side door open to let some air in, and I began casting about for the day’s photo. He’s been watching his Buffy The Vampire Slayer DVDs for the past few weeks, and he noticed this handy vamp-spike lying just outside the car.

I felt so safe.

In other news, by the time I get my car back from the dealership it will, no doubt, cost me an additional 50 cents a gallon to commute. Sigh.

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