Before he began to play, Chet told us that he'd dreamed of visiting Greece when he was a child in New York City in the 1930s. But it was so expensive and so far away, he never thought he'd make it. Well, he did make it in 1975, and he stood in front of the Acropolis, just as he'd always hoped he would. And he played us some tunes from the land of his parents' birth. He's a good man and an amzing player, and I suppose all of envisioned the day he was remembering.
Hydra and I recently resigned from the board of the acoustic music club that brings people like Chet, and us, and many many others together. We'd done it for a few years, and helped to deal with a big censorship issue that came up a couple of years ago. But then I found myself very uncomfortable with some of the political songs Hydra likes to do. Like I didn't want him to upset people and we were on the board and that made a difference. So we quit the board, but not the club. And I will stop with the nervous behavior and not make Hydra feel like he shouldn't do whatever songs he wants. It still makes me nervous to do something that might make people not like him or us, but that's my personal issue.
I'm not proud of wanting to conform. I just like the mostly apolitical nature of these gatherings, and I would rather not hear American love it or leave it songs. The price for that might just be not doing songs from the other end of the political spectrum. The problem came when songs about peace were labeled anti-war and there was some talk of banning them.
Hydra did a Steve Earle song about peace in Jerusalem on Saturday night, and it was beautful and I was proud of him. At least three men, including Chet, came over and shook his hand and complimented the song.
It's often hard for me to remember to not try to be likable to everyone. Hydra sets a good example of being true to one's convictions.
Not that I should be surprised, but you're a full-bodied person in that you have such a variety of interests.
As to not needing to have everyone like you, you're much better off as pursuing this goal is futile and a waste of energy.
And goodness knows you need this energy to keep bringing folks like me such nice pictures ;-)
Thank you, SK.
SK, at first you made it sound like I would sing something like “American, Love It or Leave It.” Help! Not me! I sing the other stuff; Joan Baez, PP&M, Arlo G., Tom Paxton, Phil Ochs. Help! I’m innocent Mr. Jefferson. I didn’t say that Mr. Franklin. Please believe me Mr. Washington. Free speech and other political prisoners.
Well, mltt... It's easier to pursue a variety of artful experiences when you don't have kids. You have all these hours to fill up!
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