I love sharing good stuff.
Today I brought in the Trader Joe's sipping chocolate I've been bragging up at work. It's thick and strong and kind of wonderful.
Later today, we'll launch December in a festive way with a tasting. I have only made this one serving at a time, so we shall see if I make a big mess or what. Gonna use the foamer Braveheart gave me for Christmas to blend the chocolate and the milk, then top it with the extra-creamy whipped cream I picked up this morning.
Jingle jingle!
Indeed, you did mention TJ on 43T the other day, didn't you? I need to find me some mole and sipping chocolate, both unknown to me until this week.
Yes. It's worth the effort. It's getting close to chocolate time.... tick tick tick
And so, how did it go? Big mess, or big taste?
yum! wish I'd been there!
It was great! Everyone came out to the main office and picked up a cup and we stood and chatted for a bit. There are 9 in our office usually--one was missing--and it was a nice little break.
Definitely worth the small amount of effort it took.
One-L and the Bean even took care of the dishes!
MMMMMMM, Choclate thats sounds delicious and I bet it was. So is everyone getting into the Christmas Spirit... Hope So
What is it about chocolate that makes everyone all giddy. I mean, it transcends cultural bounds. Just reading your post, makes me wanna go out and get a Hershey bar.
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