Friday, January 12, 2007

Your Birthday is a Holiday - Friday 1/12/2007

This website has a listing of the food holidays that have been designated for each and every day of the year. I could easily become obsessed.

My birthday is Fig Newton Day.

I want a recount!

My brother got bittersweet chocolate. My sister got potato chips. My other brother got both grilled cheese and licorice. Mom got peach ice cream. My dear departed father got clam chowder and chocolate covered nuts.

I ask you… Is that right? Fig Newtons!?

Okay, while IMing with the level-headed American about this, she pointed out that it is also International Hot & Spicy Food day. Oh. I didn't read that far. I saw fig newtons and I just naturally flew off the handle and went to see how my siblings stacked up.

I am appeased. I like the hot and the spicy, and especially the international.


fingerstothebone said...

And I'd rather be born on August 8!


The Moon Topples said...

Mine are all junk food. No wonder I'm sluggish so often: my birthday eats nothing but crap.

Liz Dwyer said...

I'm Pepper Pot Day. No wonder I like spicy food so much.

the last noel said...

I'm Bloody Mary Day. I'll trade ya.