Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Kahn-gah-rue - Tuesday 2/27/2007

Apparently the only really important French word beginning with "k" is kangaroo. I feel that I have this word securely memorized and that I will surely find numerous occasions upon which to use it when I arrive in France later this year.

Maybe in conjuction with the French for "The mineral water is delicious?" Isn't that just the kind of banter our garcon will be hoping for when he finds the trois Americaines at his table

Knowing Hydra, I doubt I will need the phrase "My husband is serious," which is included on the CD.

My mother, however, may want to pay particular attention to learning the phrase "My daughter is intelligent

You know. Just in case she should need to defend me for any reason.


the last noel said...

"Pardon, Ou est le ATM?" Is my contribution to your skills. Trust me, it'll be important.

Sundry said...

Oui! It reminds me of the time I was lost in Paris with my lame French and asked some one "Ou est ici?" He looked at me with consternation for a moment, then had an "aha" moment and led me to a map. I'd asked, literally, "Where is here?" A little knowledge can actually be helpful!