Yeah, not that wild. I admit it.
We started the day as we love to start a day, lying abed for a while reading and eventually writing.
Dodger's happy to sit on my shoulder as I read in bed. But he's not comfortable with the way I cradle a pen in my hand. Too much competition.
Also, he needed to check out that side of the bed.
The view from "our" upstairs window. Dodger likes it too!
It's really lovely to be amongst tall trees.
After a lovely breakfast of waffles and sausage whipped up by GuitarDaddy, we visited their favorite thrift shops around town.
Ooh, we found some good stuff. Like a medicine cabinet with a wonderful beveled glass mirror that I discovered leaning against a fence behind a cork board. For five dollars! It has a nice pair of geometric lines etched in it. I'm hoping to remove the mirror and frame.
We liked this giant wooden squirrel, but no one took it home. This was being sold at a restaurant that was going out of business. GD and MM had eaten there and knew the owners. We picked up some DVDs and some other good stuff here.
Sad to see someone going out of business though.
The view from downtown Idyllwild. We had lunch there and walked around a little. There were a bunch of very tame Harley riders there.
Really had a terrific day hanging out with MandolinMama and GuitarDaddy. She made a lovely dish of pasta with rolled stuffed flank steak for dinner and we talked into the night again. Never quite got to playing music, but it we were enjoying the conversation.
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