Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fogginess Ensues - Thursday 2/8/2007

Was it really foggy outside, or just in my brain? Having stayed up late last night writing for the GBA(s)FC last night, I slept through my alarm.

Did not hear it. Must have turned it off in some semi-dream state. Hydra came in around the time I'm usually leaving and asked if I was going to work today.

Hoo boy.

And here's where I admit just what a great part of my life this diner has become. I walked in a few minutes before six a.m. to a small chorus of "You're late!" and some ribbing. I stopped to talk to the print shop guys, who usually arrive about 45 minutes after I do and by the time I got to my usual booth, my hot tea and tall ice water was already there.

Only had half an hour to write this morning, but it is so good to have this habit. I have Elegant's invitation to do NaNoWriMo to thank for that!

Now she's talked me into contributing to 100 words. Which my writing group pointed out is about the opposite of NaNoWriMo. It's good to run sprints as well as distances, even in writing.


Liz Dwyer said...

Isn't it nice to be such a regular at a place that they miss you when you're late or aren't there. That happens for me at the Starbucks in Compton. These guys who work here are the best!

Congrats on submitting to the GBA(s)FC! I did as well and it was a whole lot of fun to write something for it.

Sundry said...

Glad to hear you are in the contest! A writing group friend and my sister also entered. Looking forward to reading them.

The Moon Topples said...

Sundry: Don't even try to blame my innocent contest for your fogginess. Your submission was due at 10 p.m. your time. And was on time.

You'll simply have to print a retraction and find someone else to blame.

Sundry said...

Ah, but you see...late is relative. I am usually in bed between 8:30-9:00 because I get up at 3:50 to drive to a diner and write before work.

However, you're right, it wasn't the fault of the contest. My fault for not planning better. ;)