Friday, August 24, 2007

The Luddites at the Door - Thursday 8/23/2007

Used to be, there would be stacks of envelopes like these in the lobby of my office building every morning...scripts that had winged their way to us overnight from various studios. This one lonely package caught my eye because it's no longer the norm.

Most of our work comes to us via e-mail, and never gets to see the cluttered interior of a production assistant's car. I wonder if this is a blessing or a curse to the harried P.A. If it was kind of nice to get out and run around rather than always be on the lot or in an office building.

Probably there's a whole new generation of P.A.s who wouldn't know the difference.

There's at least one person in the office who definitely prefers that paper copies be delivered. I guess I prefer the e-versions, mostly because you can search electronic documents if you need to. Really, it's created more work and expense on our end because we have to print out dozens of scripts in this office every day, and we no longer have piles of free paper we can print on the back of. The other drawback is that we don't get all the pretty colored paper...each draft comes in a different color.

Which, reminds me of a story. It's okay, it's brief.

When the recycling bug first bit UCLA, they put two big bins in Ackerman Union with signs on them that read "White Paper" and "Colored Paper."

Within a few hours a hand written sign had replaced the second one. It read "Paper of Color."

When the "Colored Paper" sign was restored the next day, there was a small note that read, "That's not funny."

Oh, I beg to differ.

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