Saturday, December 30, 2006

Private Drive - Friday 12/28/2006

We took a drive down one of the many private roads of Acton yesterday. I'd driven most of this road with my mom about a year ago, but the unpaved part was rough on my little Toyota and we didn't make it all the way through.

Hydra and I took the Tahoe and did just fine. We drove very slowly and waved at everyone we met so we wouldn't look like interlopers. There's quite an enclave of houses down this valley. Everything from a few gigantic mansions to one gigantic mess of a place with old heavy machinery and trailers and cars scattered all over about 5 acres surrounding a house.

One of the things I found interesting was that the deeper we got into the valley, the more houses posted No Trespassing signs.

One place had a dozen or so longhorns with their horns cut off and this little calf sort of caught my eye.

Really, there's nothing more to say!

And then we got home, and the sun was cutting across the hill behind our house. I love this. You can stand here in the late afternoon and watch the shadow creep up. I love to sit out here in the summer and witness the way we spin away from the sun.

See the moon up there in the upper right?


Anonymous said...

I have sometimes wondered how you and Hydra came to be there from Ft. Wayne. But, the more I see of your work the more it seems you are meant to be in that very spot on the earth.
It deserves to be appreciated, and you do a nice job of that.

Liz Dwyer said...

That IS interesting that the further in the go, the more "no trespassing" signs. The dog one is great. I love seeing things like that when I'm out.