Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sir Knight - Thursday 12/28/2006

Hydra pointed this out to me on our way down to Valencia to see a movie and run some errands.

This house was just built a few months ago, and see that? There's a suit of armor on the front porch.

Now that's unusual. Hydra thought I'd like it. Even better, while we paused there for a few seconds to get the shot, a biker guy in full leathers came out on the porch and looked down at us.

What? You think you can come to our quiet little town and put a suit of armor on your porch and people are not going to look? Isn't that kind of the point?

Or are there just too many other suits of armor inside, and this is spillover?


Anonymous said...

oh i love this. aren't you glad you decided to take a picture every day!? wish I had so many unusual things to snap at! and love your witty comments!

heartinsanfrancisco said...

It makes me wish I had a front porch and a suit of armor. I don't even have a motorcycle.

That's a great shot!