I got a whole kick out of taking photos as we came into the L.A. area. I saw the reservoir along the 14 outside Palmdale and was all prepped to try to get an overhead photo of our house, but there were clouds for the next few miles. This is over the development in Santa Clarita.

See that line in the middle!? That's where the L.A. Aquaduct comes down out of the mountains and pours into the reservoir along the 5 near where the 14 begins.
Lookit! The shadow of our plane!
Yeah , you're right. I'm a dork.
Very artsy shot of Dodger trying to avoid the flash. He was so glad to see me.
He sat on my bent knee and gazed at me adoringly for the first hour or more. After a while he was willing to turn around and watch the PBS special Parrots in the Land of Oz.
1 comment:
I never get tired of looking out of plane windows. A apart of me still thinks that this is impossible to fly.
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