Sunday, November 12, 2006

Immigration - Sunday 11/12/2006

Hydra's parents came to the U.S. from Canada when they were kids. Her folks were from England, his were French Canadian. They met and married in the greater Detroit area in the late thirties. Hydra was cleaning out his closet and came across their citizenship papers, which were printed in 1953 and 1954.

I wonder why they got copies of these certificates at this time. Had they lost their papers somehow? Did it seem more important because of the political climate of the mid-fifties?

In case you are wondering... No. They were not actually seals.

Though that might account for much of Hydra's behavior.


Anonymous said...

hee hee...poor Hydra, he has to put up with this kind of comment all the time?

the last noel said...

I love old documents like these. They document old times.

Anonymous said...

why are you so amazing? i love you.

Anonymous said...

Love this picture. Is it because I'm Canadian, too? :-)
